An organization in a remote town in India that empowers farming communities—now, free eyecare can be added to their host of resources.
Mr. Benjamin Taylor is a key partner in vision screening and distribution of Omnisight provided eyeglasses in Ghana. President of Sanford International Clinics-Africa, Founder and CEO of MicroClinics International.
An ophthalmologist who shares our vision of giving eyesight to the people of Shevgaon. His devotion of time and expertise is deeply appreciated.
Dr. Randolph Hurley is a key partner in vision screening and distribution of Omnisight provided eyeglasses in Tanzania. Co-Founder of Ilula Hospital, Ilula Nursing School and Educational Exchange programs between Ilula and University of Minneosta. Our inspiration since childhood.
A constant source of information and support.
Together We See helps Omnisight conduct screenings in low-access areas with Founder Soham Govande's app OcularCheck.
Edina Community Foundation manages the financial aspects (donations, taxes etc.) of Omnisight international.
Generous supporter of Omnisight International. Owners, Chris and Julie Hansen, collect used eyeglasses for Omnisight International.
Guiness Book of World Record holder for collecting and distributing used apparels. Our newly founded partnership is expected to boost our ability to collect and redistribute used eyeglasses in India.
A collection site for used eyeglasses for Omnisight Intl. Dr. Afira Hasan, the owner, and her staff are very generous with their time and space.
Multiple sites of collection of eyeglasses for Omnisight Intl. Everything we learned is here! "GO MAD" (Go Out and Make A Difference) is what we were taught at our Creek Valley Elementary School, so we decided to give it a try!
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